Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Calamari-fried squid or the name Clary and Mari use to refer to themselves.

Italians and Americans alike rave about the calamari at Tony's, aka Osteria dell Moro, in Trastervere. The restaurant looks like a tourist trap, but there's a reason why I had ordered the calamari for dinner 3 nights in a row, no joke. What makes this one so special? The spicy tomato based sauce Tony serves it with, and probably, sadly enough, the closest thing to my mami's salsa in Roma. Also, the calamari mix is lightly breaded and the portion size is enough to share, so there's no need to pick a fork battle with friends over the tubes and tentacles.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Perfect Bun, a perfect 10!

I never thought I could get ever get tired of Italian food, until I moved to Italy. Around the 6 week mark, all I wanted was a burger, and there was no way I would settle for Mickey D's or BK. I was told the only place to get a real burger was at the Hard Rock Cafe, but the burger at the HRC was only able to feed my craving one time.

The next burger I ate in Italy, I devoured. Luckily for me, the chefs at the Perfect Bun mastered in the art of the charbroiled burger.

In between two lightly toasted whole wheat buns, lays a thick juicy patty, the meat is high quality and all the burgers are made to order. The patty is topped with caramelized onions and toppings of your choice. Seems simple enough, but at a time when panino's, pizza and pasta are part my daily meals, a burger means something special.

Aside from their specialty, TPB also serves a monster burrito, which didn't meet my standards, nachos and wings. Sorry kids, carne asada fries are not on the menu.

The clientele is as beautiful as the decor. The colors inside are warm and inviting, think of a chic version of BJ's with a number of low tables and couches for the happy hour crowd. I was counting on finding the bar crawling with expats, but apparently there's a lot of Italians who like to skip out on Carbonara every now and then too.

The Perfect Bun ranks among Rome's best spots for satisfying a craving for American food. Plus it has the sparkliest ladies' room in city. A disco ball spins inside the WC to the tune of ABBA's "Dancing Queen".

While I admit TPB is pricey, sometimes getting a taste home, is price-less.